Monday, September 21, 2009

Unintentional Multi-tasking

We all do it. You know what I'm talking about. Your daughter (or son) says, "Mom, can I have some apple juice?" So you go into the kitchen (after coercing a 'please' out of them, of course) to get the juice. On the way, there's a piece of trash on the floor. Probably left by one of the kids...or your husband. Bending over to pick it up and toss it in the trash, you mutter to yourself, "Why can't they just throw things away?" What was I doing? Oh juice. Cup from the cupboard. Check. Apple juice from the fridge. Check. Oh wait. Those leftovers are growing fur. Let's toss those out. Might as well rinse out the dish and put it in the dishwa... wait, I can't. It's full of clean dishes. Ok, time to empty the dishwasher. Done. And now I can fill it back up with dirty dishes. Crap...I spilled water on the floor. Should I mop? Nah, I'd have to sweep, too. I'll do that tomorrow. BUZZ. The clothes are dry. So I get them out of the dryer to fold. Now let's put another load in the wash...
"MOM! Where's my apple juice?!"
"Coming!" I say.
I sure got a lot done this evening. :)

Sunday, September 20, 2009

A long awaited "first"

Olivia got her first tooth yesterday! I was thrilled...not just for the tooth, but for what it represents to me.
As soon as a child is born, moms and dads have expectations. Most of these expectations come in the form of "firsts"... the first word, first steps, etc. And when Olivia was born, I mourned a lot of firsts. Wrongly so, I realize, for my daughter will still experience them, even if they come at a delayed rate. And yesterday, as I felt her jagged little "first", I was reminded of this. And I smiled. And she smiled, too.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Dear Blog...

Oh how I have neglected you. But I've been so busy! Yes, here come the excuses...
Isn't it funny how, as mothers, we try to do EVERYTHING? A mother's guilt carries a lot of weight. And, so, I run around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to do this and that... my girls are in music and gymnastics; therapy for Liv; birthday parties and playdates. Oh yeah, and did I mention working full-time and trying to run a household? And writing a BLOG? And keeping a journal? :)
The truth is, we really don't have to do it all. And we shouldn't feel guilty when we have to say "no". Choose what's most important. Right? Right?! See...more guilt.
And on that note, I refuse to write in my journal tonight! "No!", I say. Pencils down.